Annual Awards
Honors Trophy
- A Trophy with white marble base
- Particpates in studio recitals
- Recognizes students who advance at a steady pace and participate in some local events
Special Achievement Trophy
- A Trophy with a white marble base and red column
- Participates in studio recitals and some evaluation events
- Recognizes students who consistently do well in both lessons and local events
Distinguished Performer Trophy
- A Trophy with a white marble base and blue column
- Participates in studio recitals and evaluation events
- Consistently strives for improvement
- Recognized for performance at the highest level in evaluation events and the Royal Conservatory of Music Assessment Program
Achievement Awards
Flying Fingers Trophy
- Awarded to begiinning students who have successfully completed the requirements equivalent to passing Piano Adventures Level 2 B.
Minuet Trophy
- Awarded to students who successfully master a Baroque Dance from the Celebration Series, Level two.
Sonatina Trophy
- Awarded to students who successfully master a classical sonatina equivalent in difficulty to the Sonatina in C Major Op. 55 #1 by Friederick Kuhlau.
Invention Trophy
- Awarded to students who successfully master their first Invention by J. S. Bach
Sonata Trophy
- Awarded to students who successfully master their first Cliassical Sonata movement with a minimum level of difficulty equivalent to the Haydn Sonata in D Major Hob. XVI:37.
Concerto Trophy
- Awarded to students who successfully master the first movement or equivalent of a Mozart Piano Concerto.
Artist Trophy
- Awarded to students who perform at the highest level and have performed major repertoire from all eras. Students will have successfully mastered at least one competition in each of the following categories: a Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach, a complete Classical sonata equivalent in difficulty to Beethoven Sonata in C Minor Op. 13, a Chopin Etude and a major Romantic work.